Making a booking couldn't be easier!
If you do not wish to book online using our online booking system, there are a number of other ways you can book with The Blackpool Belle Hotel.
We accept all major credit cards so just call us on 07951041419 to book over the phone
You can also pay by cheque or postal order. Just download a copy of our booking form by clicking on the link below and enclose it together with your payment method and send to :
The Blackpool Belle Hotel 32-36 Coop Street, Blackpool FY1 5AJ
All cheques should be made payable to 'J & B Joyce' and need to be recieved by us at least 7 working days prior to your stay.
(If you do not have a printer, no worries - just give us a call and we'll send you a booking form that same day)
Another method of payment is with cash by registered post. Again, you need to enclose a booking form in your envelope. However, in this instance, you should go to your local post office and ask them to send it by registered post. You will then recieve a reciept and we will have to sign for it when it arrives making this another secure and safe way to pay
If you have any questions regarding ways to pay, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Just phone Becky or June on 07951041419
BLACKPOOL BELLE HOTEL. 32-36 COOP STREET. BLACKPOOL. FY1 5AJ +44(0)1253 620854 +44(0)7951041419 blackpoolbellehotel@msn.com